Free presets for Lightroom | Orange teal preset and morning tone preset

Hi , I'm back with two new presets(DNG ONLY) which are totally free. You can do these presets only in your lightroom application. Where to use these presets? You can apply these presets to images that are slightly dark. Example:- Normal image How to use presets in Lightroom application? Step 1:- Download Lightroom application and then open the app. Now sign up in the application and there you will see an interface there you can find a logo of "add images". Now add presets and images that you want to use. Add images from here "Images added successfuy" after this message go to the "All Photos". Here you'll find your added preset. Now simply open that preset. Tap on all photos After opening preset you'll get this interface where you can see three dots , so simply tap on the tree dots and now you can see a option "Copy settings" simply tap on that option. Copy settings from presets After tapping on "Copy settings" you'll g...